Looking for recommendations (or just make fun of me)
Recommend me songs or artists
Rate My taste 1-10, and guess my age
Opinions on these albums
Pick one
Tell me what your favorite game
Which one of these legendary deathcore bands is better?
Pls recommend me something to listen to🙏
Who’s writing the music for this album?
Any helldivers fans here?
Now let's go with the opposite of what I asked yesterday. Bands where a member who is not the singer is the most famous?
Steam Download Speed Slow On Only One Computer In House
What is your 'comfort' band? The band that feels like home for you that you always come back to?
Suggestions of riffs from gojira to play on guitar?
What are your favorite metal concept albums?
Which corporation would you work for in AC6?
Gimme your worst song names
What’s with people hating deathcore
Tell me your favourite film
Tell me your favorite video game!
Tell me your top artist for this year
Give me your hot takes (Not asking)
Coolest album cover of all time?
I’m thinking of switching majors from Computer Engineering to Cyber Security.