After hundreds of hours of POE2, I forgot how fun this game is. I am loving this...
Urology or neurology for testing?
If You Could Add any POE1 Mechanic to POE2, What Would it Be???
The SSF Experience at level 60
Everything is hardcore mode and it's not fun.
Beef Chubs and Bull Meat Tubes
Just diagnosed - request for advice
Viper Napuatzi is a buggy fight on top of being somewhat overtuned
Labral Hip Tear
What type of defensive layers do you use for Ranger in HC?
Sink was installed with a flat base, and it doesn't drain easily. What would it take to fix it?
What defense layers would you use for a Mercenary in HC?
Issue after issue no belief in NHS
Symptoms suddenly worsening, help
Symptoms are 95% gone when my bowel is full
Need to chat with someone educated about nerve anatomy
Are these connected?
What’s the most fun build you‘ve played?
I'm like 300 hours from these being useful and they keep dropping
Get a Butt plug
How rare exactly are Uniques?
Any successful pain relief with TENS?