BCS cards suggestions
Ninja Monkey Card Pack v2.0!
Behold…. Black Cherry Ice Cream with Bacon!
Titans - How Bosses could be implemented into Bloons Card Storm.
Feeling Devious >:) so here are some Ninja card ideas!
Tower can now go into both crosspaths, but only 1 tier if they do so (5-1-1). What tower benefits the most from this?
Luftballons Achievement does not count friendly red bloons popped by Quincy's minor ability
Why? Why is it a club requirement?
What do you think the next Paragon will be?
Bloons TD 6 v46.0 - Update Notes!
Syncing across devices works now, right?
The Curious Case of the Crucible: A Conversation on Camo Consistency
Gwen still feels weak - more change suggestions!
“Perfect map to try out the new Tack paragon” *makes the best spot for it unusable*
Obyn's wolf hero power should be buffed
Do you think that Adora will have aby function connected to sun temple?
Just wanna say…
Reverse nesting idea. What do you think?
Hero Balance Change Ideas - Quincy and Gwen
Which would be the best hypothetical monkey card?
Idea for Sharp shooter buff
More Card Ideas!
Nested Moab idea