What do those online weight calculator things mean by “slim?”
How to download capcut pro for free?
Calories in the beef alone?
Ignore everything but the meat
Calories in this pasta and meatballs?
Calorie estimate?
Does walking count as exercise in TDEE calculators?
We DO judge
Is the term “over the counter drugs” literal? Like, does that mean it is not in the shelves and you have to ask for the person behind the counter to get it for you?
Did I fuck up?😭
Calorie estimate for this chicken and teriyaki with rice and broccoli
How many calories in this chilli my mom made?
Does anyone else feel a mini high right after an edible?
Does anyone else prefer the early seasons?
Blacking out when standing :P
Are these normal things to happen when high?
Is this flirting
Charged too long
Apparently I was bullied as a kid?
Am I genderfluid?
Is shifting to a younger age weird?
Help understanding an assignment ?