Monday Monday
I'm irrationally pissed about this Epcot trip
Boone's hand position; look, he's looking! mark on Boone's leg, dirty bus
It appears that Jill has removed all her posts and videos from her Epcot trip from her Facebook.
Trip your husband when you want another baby
Losing my mind at this
Shrek deserves more loathing for the Disney trip.
Does anyone have a screen recording or screenshots of Brianne over the holidays at the Rods? The time when she looked really obviously unhappy?
Vegan considering going pescatarian.
My favorite photo
Scenes from Epcot’s Japan
Boone and Gunner interact
What bothers me about the childrens' appearance
Do you remember when Jill….
Is Nurie really the favorite?
Help me name my little buddy
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
How to get air wrap to stay over night
She’s trying SO hard not to say that word
Ouch. My wrist hurts looking at the position of Boone's wrist
Mammogram (haven’t had one in a long time)
Kaylee has joined Melaleuca! It’s natural!
Boone surveying the 40 square feet of the home Lott
Origin of the NICE Olive Garden