It’s a bit obnoxious that this counts as a loss. Didn’t even select a character.
Fallout and RPG veteran Josh Sawyer says most players don't want games "6 times bigger than Skyrim or 8 times bigger than The Witcher 3"
How do you all feel about the mastery avatars?
Mysterio would actually be an Avengers level threat if this was his Ultimate... 😭😭😭
If you don't understand things like C&D's Ultimate being a healing field or that Invisible Woman's barrier heals you, it's not your teammates fault you're not a high enough rank to play with hero bans.
Missing Deco's Deli
Rumored remake of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion reportedly features improved combat and more
I made Tic-Tac-Toe in pso
He is the Dracula expert after all.
How you guys who insta-lock seem sometimes...
I swear 99 % of games I play have these dream sequence, broken up levels. I'm surprised more people don't complain about these levels. They aren't fun to play imo.
Playing Doom Match when I accidentally walk into that one room.
If you could have 1 hero/villain as a playable character who would you want?
Oh, you're approaching me?
I'm going pro guys
When you learn not to rely on the Ankh, the Ankh will always be off cooldown when you do need it.
Looking for suggestions on kids reading games
"It said the amount of Legiana hide+ I'd get is This Big, and I said "That's disgusting"."
De-rank system sucks
People STILL think that you only get a Team-Up Anchor bonus if you have the team up partner on your team. This is evidence enough that the mechanic is overly confusing.
It doesn't even have to be as in depth as what Overwatch was planning. I just wanna bonk some Hydra mooks with my friends.
There needs to be an adjustment to points lost when someone quits.
They should add some more visual differences between Dagger and Invisible woman
Another solo build ideas?
How we feeling about invisible woman so far?