Noticed a verbal quirk of my bilingual boyfriend's
What’s something you’ve experienced as a woman, you don’t believe a man would ever understand from your POV?
Do women watch gay porn the same way men watch lesbian porn?
how did you manage and got over someone you were casually dating but caught feelings for?
What is something gross that men do, that you feel society doesn’t give enough attention to?
Why are woman surprised that men don't talk in details about their sexual experience to their friends?
TIFU by upsetting a friend of a friend
Humans love to feel included
waiter put my tip back on the table saying he only accepts 18-20%??
I thought Jennifer Lopez used rocks like a trail of breadcrumbs
Strange thing my wife said last nigjt. Not sure what to make of it. Not sure what to say!
Update post :D
I got a new job and I already wanna quit after my first day. I can't tell if it's because of my adhd or if I genuinely hate it.
What do you do when you're being a bad person
How do you keep organized?
This is a daily occurrence. Before I sit down i make sure I have water and a recent bathroom break (I promise he has arms)
What pushed you to get yourself tested for ADHD?
My laptop died after my arm went dead
just want to vent to people who get it :(
What’s a sign that someone has good hygiene?
Do you let your pet sleep with you on your bed every night?
"Family" is great
I enforced a dearly loved one's boundary about her child, and it felt great