I use chatgpt as a friend!!!
A girl told me she tought i looked 45 even tho i am 23.
Made the call
21F How can I improve?
My father just called me to wish me Merry Christmas. I've been homeless for 3 months.
I hate my life right now
What can i do to make myself more attractive as a m23?
Last Minute Christmas Shopping - Clean Shaven
Should I embrace going bald? SMP?
Biggest mistake Dutch made?
is it as bad as i think?
8 month update to previously posted nest
Recently went bald and will stop taking finasteride. Will stop taking it impact density in my beard and eyebrows? Also here’s after and before picture
Should I model or is everyone lying to me
I feel like I'm too ugly to ever be loved
Am I? 28M
AM i ugly?
People say i look intimidating. Is it true?
(35m) Haven't been feeling good about my looks
Ugly or nah. 27 year old male
Facial hair
(23f) i don’t know i’m bored
What do i need to do to look more attractive.
I pulled the trigger today. No regrets.