Just got new neighbors and idk how to handle it.
something I noticed during the show's run, but no one else did.
I’ve got lead in my foot but don’t call me leadfoot
How to start hacking without knowing anything about programming?
My dad just died
Who’s taking this???
Surely you guys know this is a SCAM
Thoughts on this??
pt 2 Make the comment section look like Lance's search history
Make the comment section look like Oliver's search history
How about, no!
Ladies, do we have a winner?
Nutmeg can easily kill you
Am… Am I the only one seeing this?
How do I (18M) end it with sensitive girlfriend (18F)?
Ineligible for refund is the biggest bs
I don’t know which one of you Spark drivers dropped this order at my house but it’s the wrong address!
We really have to work on treating the Walmart Associates better!
How is this allowed
Should I leave my husband?
A driver just took my food and ate it ???
What will happen next?!
Woman Suing Walmart After a "Spark" Man Delivered Groceries, and Then Pleasured Himself in Her Driveway
I think they're trying to get rid of me?