How do you feel about religion ?
Religious people who became atheist how is it ?
I just don’t like dating
6'11 (me) and college advisor (5'2-5'3)
do you think the pope played a game of power all this time
What was your biggest trauma and how did you heal ?
Does anyone else not giving a fuck about the news ?
I'm a fraud
Are people less and less socials ?
I actually have no friends.
How do you feel about astral projection
People who can’t sleep I will help you
How did you find out your past lives
Will religions ever be gone
How your long term ghoster got his karma
Being tall in Sweden
What about our loved ones
How do you feel about Islam ?
Why are we here ?
Views are so low (TikTok)
Was school useful to you ?
How long it took you to realise religion was a scam ?
Gyms really aren’t that welcoming
What is something you avoid for your mental health?
what is the worst content people like but you dont ?