PC W: Imp Head Corpse H: Mule
(PC) W: Storm Talisman H: Mule
(PC) W: Swift Spear H: Mule
(PC) W: Great Katana H: Mule
(PC) W: Nagakiba H: Mule
[pc] w: st trinas blossom and maxed starlined h: mule, karma ask
PC W: Scavenger's Curved Sword H: ask
(PC) W: Diallo’s Mask H: Mule
(PC) W: Dryleaf Arts H: Mule, Ask
(PC) W: Stacks of Golems Great Arrows H: Mule
[PC] W: mule H: ask
[PC] W: Aristocrat Headband H: ask, mule, karma ecc...
(PC) W: White Mask H: DLC weapons
(PC) W: Lacerating Crossed Tree Talisman H: DLC weapons
I'm keeping webull for now.... THIS IS WAY MORE THAN ROBINCROOK has done for me...
Daily Discussion Thread for February 08, 2021
Regarding the referral codes
Webull desktop app (Max) dark mode has a flashing white line at top of screen