The Meme of Memes 🚀
Onward to Planet Lambo! The new banner for r/pennystocks
Roaring Kitty on X
Tasty dips
What if.... (H/T Rnewton)
Cheers, Keith! - GME 10/30 Open Interest Price Movement Forecast and Options Analysis
Reminder of Ryan Cohen's "plan" exactly a year ago
Apes waking up in September be like…
NYSE Is Now Reporting A GameStop Price Glitch
Apes on Labor Day be like…
Help me find my anode rod…
Ya don't say?!
$BB, BlackBerry
Beware the GME grifters
A/C fan issue
Watching for a breakout of the $23-$26 channel today
What is the best argument for believing in god?
I am the Keymaster
Why the heck are we running suddenly today? Ohhh... is it T+35 again? Whoopsie.
GME + Hawk Tuah = MOASS!
Meet my new portfolio manger
🔮 @peruvian_bull on X: “They’ve been using the ETFs all along as a main source of synthetic shares! this is why XRT, an ETF that holds $GME, has 400% short interest”
Some weekend tinfoil: Roaring Kitty is about to join the board
Anybody else?