Give me ur favorite album and I’ll tell you if it’s valid or not
If anyone sees this, please help
I didn’t know it would describe this 😭
Yuri sent you this picture, what do you do next?
Uhhh, Bob...?
Babe, parallax continued 3 just dropped
The MC is replaced by the MC of the last game you played. Can you survive?
The Loop (Short Theory for Tiny Mita)
r/starcitizen sorted by controversial. Gee, I wonder if maybe the mods overstepped here?
The Aegis Gladius - A hand-drawn poster homage to my favorite fighter. Original red with a black & white variant, possible F8 Executive next..??
Women are so cute and I think they are available for sale
Oh no. Its happening again.
NEW EFFECTS For Players Exiting Jump Points
[3:2] Pyro IV & Pyro VI (Terminus)
Ship markers appear to be working in latest EPTU
This May Be A Bug, But It Really Should Be a Visual Effect (Spoiler *Jump Point*)
Player QT jumping from a distance looks and sounds fantastic! It's great to see the increase in player numbers, as it makes moments like this happen more frequently.
Anyone notice the lights emit the wrong color on the F7 Mk2 Series?
Boarding action.. no longer in progress
My fleet glow up during iae.
Nowadays, are all teenagers LGBTQ? Just asking.
Manufacture Dependent Quantum Travel Effect
seeing the clothes interact and collide with the head like that is so satisfying
Filmmaker who never heard of SQ42 reacts to the prolog playthrough. A very cool and slightly different perspective!