Idk how the second shot hit 😂
My best Kestrel Play yet! Ranked Kestrel 1v4.
Got 30 the other day on Demo with Phantom sniping! What do you guys think about 9 rounds to win?
What is the best bitrate when streaming at 900p 60 frames??
What’s your favorite pistol/Melee Combo? Mine is Phantoms P12K/axe and here’s why!
Can I even put this as "funny"? My sense of humour's drier than a nun's panties
Phantom Ranked ACE! I had to end it with a bang!
Never used kestrel until now... she’s alright I suppose 😂
My most proudest team kill. Nothing but axe
Anything worth anything in here? I just found my old collection and i dont know much.
I just started getting into graphic design, here are some banners I made for Twitter.
Decided to buy one pack from Walmart today, and pulled this Gem! Also my first ever phantom Rage pack.
Best pack to pull a profit out of?
Apex should bring back solos permanently.
Being a mirage main is fun! Two 10+ kill and 2k damage games.
Being a Mirage main is fun. 11 kill 2k damage game.
Apex Packs transfer
70 Apex Packs! (Straight Garbage)
Ps4 sounding like airplane?
Not much but I just hit 1000 kills :)
My messy corner
My Lab/ Man Cave is Finished.
Okay @RespawnEntertainment
Squading up with randoms is a joke...