Midseason has been out for more than a week now. What's your opinion on Meta development, Balance and the new heroes?
Mel currently has a 46% Winrate while simultaneously boasting a 75% Banrate, what now?
How’s Irelia after the nerfs?
Riot is making a MASSIVE mistake. Because of the W nerf, from next patch we won't be able to W-Q Melees anymore. That's a gigantic overlook on their part. This WILL kill the champion.
We know Riot is looking at nerfs, what do you guys think they may target?
When are Yasuo and Yone going to be moved away from their Critless BORK>Stridebreaker build?
Mach .01
We're sadly 100% getting nerfed, predictions?
The Jgl monster "Atakhan" spawns either Bot or Top, depending on where most of the Kills/Assists and Damage happened pre-14 Minutes. Doesn't this basically mean it will almost always spawn Botside?
Wasn't Riot planning to do some In-depth Irelia work?
It's actually so sad that Lethal Tempo sucks so much on Irelia compared to Conqueror
Share some of your crackhead builds!
Guys honestly yeah. I want Irelia to sit on my face with that lvl 10 of her GYATT
Irelia changes scheduled for 14.21 by Riot Phroxz0n
What can we do to have Riot listen or at least notice us Irelia players, and the awful state the champion is in?
Average male heights around the world