Found this yesterday, while hiking in France (southeast, Mediterranean coast). It's surprisingly heavy for its size. I thought it could be iron but It does not react to magnets. Any ideas?
Found those on a pile of trash next to a dumpster. They made me ... kinda sad, for some reason. taking pictures, and to some extend collecting found photos, feels like an act of futile resistance against the passage of time.
Found today. Let's give her a name and a job, shall we ?
What's his D&D class? (And/or Elden Ring boss name)
I have the most useless superpower: I keep finding ID pictures of strangers, in the street. I literally have several hundreds of them now. Someone told me I should post them on Reddit, so here I am
Digging through miscellaneous photos at the antique store. This one was my favorite 🐱
Finding THREE ID pics in totally different places within 24 hours is a lot, even for me ( btw, thanks for your HILARIOUS comments about n⁰2 yesterday, I love you guys ❤️, I just spent 30 minutes reading them all and LMAO)
A strange story about those two. The first was given to me by someone who knew about my collection, she had found it in the street a few day earlier. And I found the second myself, in the same neighborhood, like a couple of weeks later. This is obviously the same person. Share your theories:)
Why did you become vegan?
random ID pics of my huge collection. as suggested earlier by a redditer, I'll post on imgur. some are utterly damaged, some are funny, some are very old, some are melancolic or just weird. I love them all !
Whats that weapon that you had to force yourself off of?
Found outside work yet again!
Another day, another found ID pic :) the collection grows
Found in the street earlier today