Pesto finally boggles!! 😭❤️
Is edamame by bbno$ copyrighted?
At what point do you stop and say "enough signatures"?
Why does my rat do this?
Pesto wanted me to ask you if you think she's pretty 🥺🥺
What would cause massive background battery drain?
Obligatory smell check 😤
Stealthy thief steals my lunch 😡
Would you perceive this response as the person IS busy or the person IS NOT busy?
My incredible rat Carrot practicing her agility and fetch tricks!
No carrot! 😡 Only peas 🥰
Everybody wish Jasper good luck with his surgery tomorrow!!
Finally got my girls! Any first time owner mistakes to avoid?
Welcome Back
Duo, this can't be right?..
Harry Potter TV Series cast
I went like this to school at 15yo, and genuinely didn't understand why I was bullied.
Is it me or were we all just gaslit by Stephen?
Am I the asshole for the types of comments I leave on fics?
I wrote a tiny fic about a more ruthless Astrid trying to take over the FAYZ
Nobody will do 50k in a day anymore
What’s the Book You’ve Re-read More Than Once?
A verb for "doing snus"?
For some, a grave is the only property they'll ever own.