Assaultbike - dead monitor, or something else?
Assault Bike - Monitor Malfunction?
Is this sub pro or anti statins?
Can you ever recover after long-term benzodiazepine use?
Any 50 or 60 year olds here like me
What’s everyone’s thoughts on Buspirone?
Anyone here over 50?
Squezing Chest Palpitations
is this palpitations or something else?
Terrified of sudden death
Anyone over the age of 50 with cardiophobia?
Panic attacks have led to cardiophobia. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Heart palpitations ruining my life. Just need to vent.
Experience on Atenolol?
Need help with low dose benzo withdrawal
What benzo are you on, how long, is it still effective?
My (33whiteF) partner (36blackM) hates white people
Happy New Year to y’all!
Can't quit thinking about my chest tightness.
Fully Favorable
Do you think psychiatrists would take the meds if they were diagnosed or misdiagnosed with mental illness?
Can you ever hope to recover after long-term benzo usage?
Visible heartbeat?