what are some of your favorite WAD's?
Which was the first game you broke 1000+ hours of gameplay?
What is a good offline game that will give you thousands of hours on the Steam Deck?
Which game do you spend the most time on?
Is having 6 back buttons on your controller crazy?
I was never a 'PC gamer' so I never cared about FPS yet...
Hey Costcooooo
Looking for games where you spawn/control Ai for other players to fight, like pve but with someone playing as the environment
I hate this tip
They're telling us how to consume content now
Gamers what are you playing right now?
What do you play ESO for?
What are some of the best games that you can play in one sitting?
Loved the gameplay of XCOM 2, didn't like the time limit hanging over my head. Is there something that will scratch that itch?
What do you name your band?
At what age do you have to accept the fact that you are old?
Which games do you like more in terms of graphics? Pixelated or non-pixelated?
Tired of FPS and online competitive games. Please recommend your favorite single player games that I can sink hours into.
Human NPCs vs. Primal NPCs. What are the pros and cons of using one over the other?
What RPG was it like this for you?
Looking for a medieval game with sword and board gameplay that's punishing
Looking for a Skyrim Modlist recommendation
How to know if Wabajack is working correctly during download? Should i be concerned (24+hr downloading)
Just got this and I’m spinning
Do I need to “Grow out of” video games?