Unpopular opinion probably: Berserk can get away with being completely CGI, it just needed the RIGHT type of CGI
Say something bad about these two movies..
What new SM2 classes would you like to see?
Do you all think the Kaolang came close to defeating Kanoh or no?
Kengan Omega Ch. 299 (Comikey)
What are your personal 40k theories that aren’t canon but that you like to believe are.
Do you agree with this?
Space Marine Guts from Hardcore Miniatures
Is cold foam out of hand?
Are tufts on the model cheating?
Space Marine 2 Nominated for BAFTA Games Awards in Several Categories
I will never get over how stupidly awesome having a stand-off with a Terminator as Heavy is.
Does anyone else not play Bulwark often because they don't wish to be team healer?
If you could pick one gene seed organ to have right now, what would it be?
Be honest do I have any muscle imbalances? Cuz I'm trying to get to that tokita physique
I love the power fist
I have fully completed the very first box of miniatures I bought last November. A comparison between my first mini and latest
You good, Ohma? (The extended panel)
Quite the plot twist by @Mick19988
Slick / greasy subway floors?
PvE using the jetpack should give you iframes
Do you consider the punisher as superhuman in the same way as batman?