Thoughts on the midseason balance changes?
Cutest Juno line
I never get feedback on reports anymore.
Playing against Widow is a miserable experience
Remember the time when a legendary (4 star) lucky drop got you an epic or even a legendary book? Yeah
What's your unpopular Arcane opinion? We listen and we don't judge.
Trying to pet a coyote
How do you play this many games without ever improving?
Let's talk about skins, balancing and sexism
God I missed 6v6
Guys I'll be honest. I spent 720 PokeGold today and pulled pretty much nothing. I hope this makes someone feel better.
I found the best deck in the game…
Season 14 Patch Notes
My dad also has been playing clash for 7+ years. (Posted my moms account a few hours ago)
[S2 spoilers] Some people completely misunderstood Vi's arc this season
Jetzt mal ehrlich, wie finanziert sich der allerechte GTA Sidequest NPC sein Leben in Dubai?
[s2 spoilers] Arcane Season 2 is bad (very looooong post)
Midladder is love, Midladder us life
So why can't widow just get the april fools treatment?
"mk isnt overused at 9k it only has a 1.6% use rate!!!" Meanwhile average game at 9k:
Game seems to have a memory leak after the latest update
HandOfBlood genervt von Kommentaren
Notalgia is -NOT- hitting
Is Marys letter real?
For those who get suspended from Overwatch and genuinely don’t deserve it, appealing does work