You thor players are on CRACK
I am once again asking the discord mods to spread the survey times around so that divers around the globe have a chance to provide feedback
Q&A Megathread (Ask your questions here!)
How do I report people?
What SMG is this?
Do people not read chat/listen to VC?
Jesus fucking Christ
Peak physique should be the standard melee damage
Reinhardt power fantasy aside, I have RARELY gotten this to work but I am glad I did
Sony Announces Helldivers Movie At CES
Guess this is just allowed huh? Im noticing a common pattern in the game.
Helldivers 2 dev wants upcoming weapon attachments system to allow players to create "cursed monstrosities"
Reformatted my last render into a mobile wallpaper
I'm a firm hater of the armor passive system for disincentivizing wearing this
Arw vehicle controls meant to be this confusing?
Could it be that Squid Super Helldive Missions are fairly easy compared to other fractions??
does anyone have the discord link
Major Order: Capture Fenrir III to allow for further investigation into the Meridian Singularity
New player here; is there any quick or faster way to get war medals?
Remove your helmets to see freedom!
A Helldivers x Killzone update: Seasons Greetings
🛠️ PATCH 01.002.203 | Killzone 2 Collab | Superstore changes
4th Faction is cyborgs.
I just met Bob Helldiver!
What is the point of having a report button when it does nothing?