Post your avatars and I'll tell you how I feel about them:
No powers, no hax, no weapons or Armour, equal stats, straight hands, who's the strongest character in your verse? (With all those rules applied
I will give you one of many characters from my universe that your avatar reminds me of AND how easily you'd beat them!
What would you say is the defining accessory of your avatar?
Your avatar has to break through a metal door. Can they do it? And if so, how?
Giving your avatars EVEN MORE SKINS!! :D I’M BACK FROM THE DEAD!
Tell me ur username so I can out you in my game!
Found him!!!
Alright fellas, I came up with a new trend idea. You post your avatars and I will put them into the Roblox Avatars bingo thing I made to their corresponding position. You can also suggest where you wanna be placed if you think you match the square. 1 person for each square, good luck all.
What am I? "White and Black ..."
hey, what if we make our own version of forsaken but with our avatars? tbh i hope there’s a game about it so its a real thing..
how would your avatar react to a dog? (just no inhumane stuff)
Telling you what kind of character your avatar would be in an RPG
Conquest arrives in your favorite show/movie world, how doomed is it?
hold up yall, before you scroll, imma need to see your avatar's lover if they're in a relationship
Give me your avatar and i'll MODEL something for them.
After 1 month I am back, and to celebrate this, I will draw some of you guys (read body text)
I will make your avatar a meme from my reddit folder in my phone
making a time capsule to be opened on 2027(desc)
Give me your avatars and I'll give a cursed technique that I think fits them
Giving your avatars powers based on how they look and smell
Oh god... the horde... whatever... IM DRAWING A COUPLE OF YA'LLS AVATARS IN THE REGRETAVATOR ELEVATOR! (including mine because yes)
Send a Image of your Avatar and I'm Including them in a Tierlist
Rating how Throwable your avatar is