A bird landed on the sign identifying it
Y’all have any idea what the bird perched on this sign is?
"Here's what the humans call a flying KICK, Megatron - HRRAUGH!" *G1 clink*
Fossilizer 2.0
Oh good god…😨
Why do these videos exist? Are people horny?
Found this on Twitter, and I ask you all my fellow Transformers fans under 25: What's your first iteration with the franchise?
Cuddles from an octopus.
Stone and Rock
If you were a Transformer what would you choose for your earth Vehicle alt-mode?
Average hazard 10 mission
War never changes...
Rollin' in the riches
Posting memes until I get my master's degree day 853 meme 1144 (my last meme, thank you all for being part of this journey)
Triple checked the math, checks out
finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary!
The most content it will ever have
I swear crunchyroll is run on someone's personal PC or something.
The root or the beer?!
Story of my life
if your hot water takes a while to get to your faucet, you're REALLY boned.
None of the other kids stood a chance
Do try this at home, school or anywhere
Dihydrogen monoxide really do be fatal