this mode died way too fast
Which skins do you think OG Pass Season 3 will include?
Can we boycott this skin?
Custom Balance Changes to Recent Update
Mythic stink rifle does how much on a headshot?
Next reload map
Is carrying sticky launchers a must this season?
Since next season might be a Star Wars season what skins would you Star Wars fans like to see?
Rocket Launcher doesn't to do what's supposed to do
Don’t bother going into Black Markets without a pulse scanner
Katy Perry fans when the new roar emote got advertised too early
Clix Joins the Icon Series
A pro-player. A content creator. A legend. @CLIX JOINS THE ICON SERIES! 4️⃣:
Do you guys think midas nuts liquid gold
Who else hopes next season is star wars?
So um.. how us he guna feed himself?
Best Mobility Item of ALL TIME
My predictions for Season 3 (Titled Far, Far Away)
In response to a post that I felt was quite hypocritical
like this or u will have 10 years of unLucky Landings 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Slap or Low-Gravity?
Is it just me or
What would be your Dream Chapter?
it’s been a few days how y’all liking the new exotics + mythic minigun, drum gun and outlaw shotgun
On This day 4 Years ago !