Is it okay to have the tutorial before the lecture
What is the difference between green and blue?
How do I get rid of this one eye wrinkle
usu events
USYD Scholarships for current students
Anyone else just really excited for uni?
How good are the HSK books for learning?
Is lecture attendance mandatory?
RIP so many clashes :(
Learning chinese at University or at home?
What is P1, P2, P3?
Is this a good plan for BS Adv Sci/ Adv Studies
Bach of Science/Bach of Advanced Studies (advanced)
Anyone wanna be friends
which major is good for immunology+pathology?
Which one do I pick?
Is this UV light good enough?
bs of med sci/ advanced computing opinions?
Bs of Advanced Science or Bs of Medical Science
What is the bracket supposed to mean in your degree?
Let’s be honest,what do you want right now?
My first with literally 0 experience with clay
First Market
How’s everybody doing?
air dry clay sealant recommendations