What does "Total spending" mean?
Question about Moisturizer Order with Retinoid?
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Is there any way to stop the blinking cursor when texting on an android phone?
Bathroom Selfie
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Lurkers of Reddit, why?
Why are so many people moving out of California during this time?
Vegans of Reddit, when a stranger asks why you went Vegan, how do you reply to them without losing your sanity?
People who graduate with a university degree, was it worth it?
If you had to create two races in Starcraft what would it be?
Freelancers who charge at least $50 per hour, how did you get into your line of work?
What is your opinion of tipping culture in the United States?
People who got sucked into MLM, how did they initially lure you in?
How do you know when you're dealing with a narcissist?
Is there a demand for guys on OF?
Around how many karma do you need to post images?
What is one high school moment you regret doing?
Those of you who drive slow in the fast lane; what are you gaining?
What's more effective to earn money, a stable job or starting a business?
I Just Got a F on My First Quiz
In your opinion, what is the stupidest music video ever?
What’s the smoothest way to find out if someone’s single?
People who love Mondays, why?