Obligatory rant about condescending doctors
How do you recruit Year-over-Year?
Vince Stacy, more like Vince Young! Hello Heisman Trophy
Peaked in high school
What’s a name so terrible you can’t imagine anyone willingly giving it to their child?
Yeah, I’m thinking I’m back
First no inaccuracies
because apparently any game where the protagonist isn’t a straight white male is “woke”…
Something Interesting is Happening
We did it chat
Hospital CEOs
Great, another unrealistic body type for women.
Well, that was awkward..
Sure Jan
Now they are denouncing... Let me check... The Flu Shot
I actually like wear and tear and think it’s a great feature
Maybe I’m slow but they keep talking about Trump getting his mandate… wtf do they mean?? And Charlie, the sex trafficker Gaetz is NOT qualified.
Tight ends should get more ball carrier traits
The call bell exists for a reason.
Securing a catch with the defenders helmet is CRAZY
The BIGGEST problem with commentary: a complete and total lack of CONTEXT!
What’s your best/most called play?
Anything is Possible
Is there a big flaw in the game that 90+% of people agree on?