What would you do with my prison shower?
Is He Still Worth It?
Has AWD ever saved your life?
Barenaked Ladies. Like them? Or no?
What are the benefits of being bald?
Times were simple, all of us were Happy....
Deal seems a little too good, what am I missing?
Hybrid SUV - not CRV or RAV4.
How many Everyday Millionaires do you know?
AITA for not giving back 7K from a vacation reimbursement so my brother can pay Vet bills from his Dog.
Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
AITA: I want my husband to pay for half my car bills
Slapped on my friend’s 2018 Model 3’s windshield in Sherman Oaks, CA today
Honest question
Blonde or brunette???
What made you choose the CX5 over the CX50?
Do you think Facebook was the worst mistake that Millennials had ever created?
elderly women swooning over trump.
You are offered $500,000 but only if you go into the last video game you played as the main character at the start of the game. If you survive a full year you get the money.
Everyday egg eaters: How you stretching that dozen?
What was your 1st Pokemon game?
Why Do I Have To Put Up With This? just Return the Fricking Item 🤬
3 Foolproof Ways to Commit Financial Suicide
Fellow married Millennials- do you and your spouse have combined finances? If not, why?
AITA My Husbands Cheap &Selfish