Never did the Dark Citadel, should I do it before season end?
Boss rotation party problems. Members leaving without summoning.
Looking for an action game with a good (fun/fast) gameplay, loot and upgrades, bonus points if shooter/FPS!
Looking for games with more grounded/personal story and, hopefully, mercenary or drifter like approach. Any setting
Games like SH2, RE2, and Persona (3 & 5)?
Patch feels really good. Thanks GGG
Can we please ban these obnoxious people from the sub?
I've made 4 new characters nows. Why do I keep getting legendaries for other classes.
Quest problem
If there are Takedowns or other "raids" in B4 - Please keep the soloable!
Vaal Orb-an
Which proper ARPG has the best melee hit impacts?
What does everything think of this so far?
Question: does anyone really enjoy the Mazy map layouts???
How to change the feeling from unnecessary punishment to an annoying shrug on death, with only 1 portal.
Endgame RAIDS
The Lego we deserve
PoE2 is mid?
Developer Update Livestream begins on January 16 at 11 a.m. PST
over 250h in - Mercenary is one of my favorite classes in any aRPG.
New player perspective. The game is too easy.
Went from playing Diablo straight to playing Diablo 4
Coming from D4, here are two things I’m having trouble adjusting to
Whats the point of endgame?
What are your favorite “lifestyle” or “forever” games?