Psssst!!! Try DMT - Anyone want one of these pins i created?
TIFU by accidentally convincing my roommate we’re getting married
Just seen over TCI heading east to west with a crazy noise behind it too
trying to convince myself to wire this monstrosity for real
Everyone has Sky Priority.
Hey all!
Say you’re reading about Luigi Mangione…
Hired as a Videographer, Became the Company’s Swiss Army Knife
$VLN is going to explode tomorrow guys now is still a solid time to load up AH
Best album sound ever, in your opinion
What is your go to sleep method?
Melbourne show
How long is the concert?
A mariachi trio that only does songs about conspiracy theories.
What’s going on right now on n lamar?
ONON - ON ☁️ - Squeeze in the making! 🚀
A band for 4 guys that met off of craiglist and are in the chicago area
Mic on stand or over guitar cab?
View from the office last night
Looking for recommendations for a tech vest!
Name for a band of Starbucks baristas
Free SXSW music events
Going out alone with hopes of meeting people?
I am upset winter wasn't long enough! Did Californians in Austin cause this?
Technical crew watching Lord of the Rings during a Disturbed concert