Regretting my complicity
Pregnancy worries
Help my 5 week old can’t really poo on her own
Baby Buddha 2.0
Thoughts about death
Do you have a nickname that's not derived from your given name?
The start of going off registry
First ovulation test
My mother has absolutely lost it regarding my pregnancy announcement
Dumb labor question… do I just walk around totally commando the whole time?
Jenna is a trump supporter confirmed.
Newborn uninterested in eating
Difficulty swallowing
3-4cm dilated, 90% effaced, baby station 0. When did you go into labor?
Am I overthinking stats?
What’s the most beautiful girl name you’ve ever heard?
Thoughts on the name Trudi?
When did your symptoms actually start to show?
Ectopic pregnancy?
Uncomfortable feeling after eating
Lumbar pain?
Is this a vvvfl? only 9dpo
Any tips/tricks