Is there no more moderation left? Gold sellers blatantly openly spamming trade with gold buying websites like its 2004.
New models release timeline
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
Analysis of PirateSoftware's "Apology" Tweet
another extremely positive reaction about avowed made by a big streamer yesterday
Whats up with hyper inflation in poe2?
Deadeye Snipe - Oneshot T15 Boss
level 97, 10 days /played, 1 million monsters killed. Feedback about endgame
Perfect Jeweler's Orbs are ~200 exalts (3 divines).
What are your toxic traits, be honest ?
[S2 Act 3 Spoilers] Arcane - Season 2 Act 3 - Discussion
The "this game has no complexity/depth" crowd
Your experience of going from a "Low Tier" to a "High Tier" character
A doula is just someone who didn’t want to go to school to be an actual nurse
my BIG GRAY pile of shame
Grimdark Lady Olynder
You guys really aren't playing this game, huh?
"Is Anyone Else Ready for the Cooler Months to Bring Out the Heavy Hitters?"
What's a game that lasts exactly the right amount of time?
“Long ago we fought and died together… we come to go honour that allegiance”
Showcasing 3 years of improvement with space marines (and discussing how I improved in comments)
Thinking about kitbashing a mounted witch hunter - am I just gonna ruin two great models?
What's your comfort food?
Minas Tirith Work In Progress
Dr Disrespect response [long tweet]