Upcoming event to save cash for?
How is TOTW Bryce Young
What do you and your boss usually talk about ?
Randoms or Select for Mythic (F2P)
-18 OVR From to Get SB Iconic
Is this a good pull?
5700 Token Exchange
Honors Step Ups Incoming
Madden VS…Thoughts??
Just feels more complete with the Lombardi 🦅
Are we getting Honors steps ups?
Glory Road Iconic/Mythic Strategy
What is the strategy to getting mythic FP players? (without paying money)
First year of startup, what moves should I make?
Iconic select QB choice opinions?
Max’s for stamina
Why is the NFL Honors challenges locked? thought it resets daily
Opting Out of EDP
Question on a mythic QB
When is honors?
No FP 5X Pack Limit?
4.3M Coins for 2500MC
How much TTP and Coins to myth STT player