Anyone wanna talk?
I have this bump show up occasionally for years
Is public gold malaysia trustable?
Need friends to play vermintide 2 with!
I kinda at a standstill
From 160kg to 125!
Im VERY new at riding a bike
A 150kg 20yr old guy trying to lose weight
is it normal to suck really bad first time playin? xD
my ear is hurt
silly problems
when ur account got hacked,does the hacker change your username?
Well I got my account back and this player who just reached AR 8 friend me and said this.What Shoul I do?
My long distance Gf(18F) broke up with me and im friend with her?
she broke up with me and we stay friends
My Long Distance GF(18F) broke up with me and we decide to be friends
TL;DR My gf(f18) break up with me(m20) and we decide to be friends
My ex GF is still in love with me but dont want a relationship with me