It's time to talk about Paradox Rift
Pokemon Center Promo
This is the reason why Evolving Skies is a HODL no matter what. I've watched this box hit $500, $1000, $2000, $3000 and now an almost $4000 price point in a matter of 5 years.
You have 100 dollars to spend , wich single do you spend it on ?
Since this is the only place that cares 😅
Super premium box and tons are on the way!
Any tips on investing in Japanese?
Sell now or hold?
Is this the clear cut best card of SV era?
Got the good news today
No Pokemon Label on jaoanese shrinkage
So these were bent up in storage, now they’re $160 a pop.
Umbreon ex Terastal Festival $240 Promotion by eBay!
I had a dream as a kid to have a card shop in my house one day. While it’s not exactly a whole shop I love seeing this every day!
Look what has arrived
Arceus V Promo time 🚀🚀🚀
How much do we think terastal festival and battle partners booster boxes will go for after reprint?
Is this a potential hold ?
Where to find pricing on Simplified Chinese cards?
"Prismatic Evolutions Premium Figure Collection" to Include an Umbreon ex and Espeon ex! - PokeBeach
[US,US] Discounting Everything [H] Moonbreon, Rayquaza, Gengar, Bubble Mew, Magikarp, Evolving Skies Sealed [W] PayPal G&S
Japanese Special Deck Set. Open for cards or keep sealed?
Thoughts on "The Big 3" After SV Rotation?
Pokemon Center ETB Print Runs
Paldea Evolved PC ETBs Reach $250 - Six Months Running