The thoughts of Kanye fans regarding I Am Music
Anyone else having issues with loading times?
Comfortable and affordable baggy jeans for men?
Is there a way for me to transfer all data from my current SSD onto a new, larger one in a way which won't mean I have to reinstall anything and there will be no hiccups noticed (Essentially have my PC work the exact same)
When should I sim in 2k25?
Where to get good, comfortable and relatively cheap baggy jeans?
Why is the nine tails so powerful?
[Weekly Questions Thread] 03 February 2025
How many Pokemon should I have in my roster? (pokemon blue)
Is worldbox worth getting?
An image of a collapsed iris.
A Vermont Railways snow plough. Used to run snow off of railways and although the drivers vision is blocked, two crew members relay info to the engineer working the train. Still used in some parts today.
Technically the most toxic community
Posting this for my friend since he doesn’t have Reddit. RIP.
Losers then and now
Happy Black History Month everybody!
Made me smile
🔥 Current view of Lake Superior, MI
Sister took this last night. What is that in the back?
NSFW Adult women pursuing teenage boys is just as disgusting as men pursuing girls
I used to be one of them, I think I’ve degenerated since then...
The originality of some people...
A few items for my friends datapack.
Where has Rockstars logic gone?
PsYchO muRdEREr CAuGht iN The acT!