just got my baby today! any bits of advice or things i need to know do tell!!! i am reading up and doing research right now☺️
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Mushu attitude alert ⚠️
What is the white stuff in the serving suggestion for Sultana Bran?
This is the same photo, Taken just as lightning struck
What do we NOT understand about Beardies?
Gave my girl a bigger bowl and she dived right in. After drinking for a minute she started playing.
When you're creative but equally unlucky.
Trump admin deports 10-year-old U.S. citizen recovering from brain cancer to Mexico
what binders aren’t shit
This Tree That Has Grown Across The Driveway And Sprouted More Trees Off The Top
What lyrics to a song are immediately identifiable by only a few words?
Which type of T is best?
Men in childcare are seen as less warm, moral, and competent than women | Study explores the stereotypes that shape public perceptions of men working in childcare and how these beliefs influence support for increasing gender diversity in the field.
Double Double Spawner
I hate life sometimes.
Does T gel cause more body hair compared to injections?
If you can bring back one which would lyou?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
What's the non alcoholic equivalent of a carton of beer
need I say more
U were supposed to assume I photosynthesize
Is there any reason why Kingpin is so fucking huge
Tips on how to fill an Easter basket inexpensively