BiC Gel Pen/Bulk Order?
For the people who don't play ToS2, what would it take for you to start playing it?
Unban itsEffie
abnormal disconnection
Banned for spamming even though all I did was repost and type 1 message to call the spammer out, anyone else think this is a little…. harsh?
heres a conversation from the unofficial tos community discord relating to gamethrowing; do you agree with any parts of the conversation?
Do you perhaps think maybe a 7 day ban is a tad excessive given the guy who reported me was harassing and reporting me every single game?
Is there a way to appeal a suspension? I don’t think this is fair tbh. I probably dced or something and people literally leave games all the time so idk why it happened
Oh my fucking god. He was real
Moderators of ToS 2
What is the saddest death of a fictional character?
Peak all any experience now in TOS2.
Crusader of Salem
What IGN do you guys use when playing the game?
true crime cases that happened in your town/ close to you?
Question about Retributionist
Give me balancing ideas (Wrong answers only)
What is the most fun role that you enjoy playing?
Most gruesome case you know of?
Town of Salem 2 - Announcement Trailer
Strange cases where families don't seem to be honest about their missing ones?
What is your favourite way to get lynched as a Jester?
Teir list about how evil each evil role is.
True Crime podcast reccomendations?
Most annoying people in TOS?