What is your “I did not care for the godfather” take on Foster the People?
What do my top artists say about me?
Describe a song poorly.
Foster the people Leeds fest ??????
Phobia of dying/ death
What's the best supply teacher experience you've had? [Storytime in body text]
How do I keep myself revising?
Can I drop a course in yr 11?
What song is this?
Today one year ago I found this band AMA
Uk foster the people fans
Tour announced!! On sale Friday 10/18
Not prego, no period, what?
Rate my top artists out of ten
This song has me in a choke hold
what does my top 10 (year) say about me 😭
Signs of first period
Ibuprofen and alcohol
Bright red blood
+15 days late
My cycle has been irregular before but now i'm really overthinking 😭
12 days late for my period I need answers ! Please
Tour ?!?!??!