[CHAT] how can i add dog fur to my cross stitch?
[FO] f o c u s
[FO] a pair of wolves
[FO] Tribute to my favorite flowers
[CHAT] Can I do one full stitch instead of two quarters?
Help! Maidenhair fern getting worse after neem oil treatment?
[CHAT] Framing help! Foam board too thick?
queer as a coalition
[FO] Now that it has been given to the recipient I can finally share!!!
[FO] Blue Owl by NikkiPattern
[CHAT] Railroading with 3 strands?
[WIP] Picking it up after 7 months; this owl haunts me
[FO] Northern Lights by Stitchrovia. The colours are even better in person!
[CHAT] Should I frog it or toss it?
DAE physically lash out during panic attacks?
[FO] First Christmas gift is finished!
[WIP] Warsaw market square in progress 🙌🏻 (pattern from alexstitches.com)
[WIP] Making Christmas gifts and the outer wreath is killing me!
haha real funny joke dad
I strive to be this bird
And my entire bedroom...
Is it internalized self hatred or a valid argument? Hell if I know!
Does anyone else struggle with not remembering?
im in a vicious cycle and i hate it here
Give my notice; Dealing with the anxiety