I’m legit offended. How dare they.
Is this a wart?
Home toe spike removal
Looked like a small blackhead until the pore vacuum got ahold of it.
I tried to remove the roots of my plantar wart and this is what happened. (1st pic to last)
Why is it that McDonald's toys suck nowadays?
Keratosis pilaris treatment that actually works
Still suffering from Norovirus symptoms after 1.5 months :(
Latest BOTW WOTW Guest: Josh Robert Thompson
Why is microwave written in hiragana and katakana?
Zofran and stomach virus?
Why aren't there more fashion packs for fashion dolls?
[Max] Video Call sucks compared to ChatGPT's voice features
Burning feeling in the urethra after peeing and not a UTI?
Can someone help me understand “Hereditary” (2018)?
Can I plug my deck into a desktop to utilise the ethernet speeds?
All my bars don't have bartenders
Leaks of project Renee. Thoughts?
Kindergartener Refusing to Participate in Class, Throwing Tantrums, and Yelling at Peers
Found this possible stye in my friends upper eyelid
Large Cyst Squirts and Oozes from Patient's Neck
Here’s How Facebook Ads Are Actually Performing This Quarter...
Those of you who don't want TS5, how long have you been playing the game?
Has anyone tried ubrelvy?
5 year old is having behavior problems at school