Best mini keyboard only
My head looks (even more) giant (than it already is), thanks to the angle in this photo. Given the complex background, can this be corrected?
Ross' Talk at Conscious Life Expo
say something about Tinseltown Rebellion
What would you make uncanon?
An Updated List of Every Night Creature in Fromville (S1-S3)
The fallen tree in the beginning
From - 3x08 "Thresholds" - Episode Discussion
Where are you FROM?
Still prefer her old hair. Sorry, not sorry!
Pretty funny that everyone was feeling so bad for her and now it's pretty much complete 180°.
Waiting for Winter - Gator Days
I have been a Zappa fan for almost ten years and i have deliberately not listened to Thing-Fish waiting until i bought it. Will update in comments with my opinion
oh no it's devo!!
People of Adelaide, what do you do for work? And do you enjoy it?
Future Releases predictions?
Water turns brownish
Happy Halloween From Mondas!
A surprisingly bold and self-assured ‘Agatha All Along’ finale avoids the usual Marvel pitfalls and transforms this spinoff into something entirely its own.
Don't blame me - I voted for Kodos
Thanks Ross and Carrie! -comic strip edition
This album from 1978 popped up thanks to my youtube algorithm, it's so Steven Wilsony, I think you guys would love it.
The 5th Element
GF out of town, so I "cooked". It ain't that good.