(To be or not to be) a piss of shit
My (M31) best friend (M33) is broke, I've been offering him a job in the restaurant I work for months and today he confessed he doesn't want to be a server because it' 'low' and people'd lose respect for him. I'm deeply offended
giftedness in yoga
A cool guide on pasta cooking time for al denta
Give me your best veggie dishes
Big ears, bright eyes, and a whole lot of curiosity! 🥰
My husband keeps buying ground beef. What can I do with it that’s not burgers or meatloaf?
Any idea where this could be? Don’t have any context to narrow it down
Horribly cold weather incoming, with a 100+yr old drafty house - recipes to simmer away on the stovetop or oven?
I love this community
A cool guide on what language people refer to when something is incomprehensible
Utthita vs Parsarita
What's is something that was completely ruined by Reddit (or social media in general)
What type of cuisine is underrated?
Not loving season 2 - will it get better?
Frozen reservoir with drained water in the Allgäu, Germany [OC] [3852x5136]
Anyone from the Mediterranean?
What can I prepare now, to give as Christmas presents at the end of the year?
Bizarre South African names that make me lol
Cool and unusual hollandaise sauce additions
Bratreis und gewürfelter Pork Belly mit Honigglasur
Driving away the pelvic devil with hip exorcism
Am I the only one who has never taken a "Hot" yoga class?
Mountain pose: Tadasana. But then there's also Parvatasana, the Mountain pose.
Tips to create my own practice and flow as a new yoga teacher