A dónde te irías
Should I start practicing speaking even tho I'm studying MSA/classical and MSA is more written than spoken? What are good resources for listening to MSA?
Fui péssimo em 2 entrevistas pra gringa em inglês. Na primeira fui humilhado kkkk
Suggestions for a cute team?
What do you think of language nationalists? How have your interactions with them been like?
El francés menos arrogante
Jacques Audiard en Francia: "El español es un lenguaje de paises modestos, de países en desarrollo, de pobres y migrantes."
ICE Detuvo a Mis Primos Boricuas
How annoying do you find it when native speakers of your target language tell you their language is impossible/the hardest one in the world to learn? Why do they say this to learners?
Vamos a ver cuantos dominicanos legales votaron por JGo , por Trump en el gran imperio americano y quieren estadity .
Meus pais estão envelhecendo e ficando chatos
Que tan bien le va puerto rico siendo de estados Unidos?
Los españoles caemos bastante bien por el mundo
To fellow immigrant learners - how do you still find motivation to improve and continue learning German?
¿En todas las escuelas en PR enseñan a hablar inglés?
Help making my username more feminine
Did any of your rabbits ever do anything unusually intelligent?
Posted my eyes to an other sub, they said you might be interested to see them as well
Does anyone else have bad luck on language learning communities?
compartiendo nuestra cultura con los rusos.
Where am I supposed to start?
Any YouTube channel recommendations for someone who just started studying classical Arabic and wants input to practice auditory comprehension?
Fuera del español y el inglés, ¿qué otro idioma debería enseñarse en Puerto Rico y para qué?
Ich hab keine Lust mehr auf mein Leben
Meinung zu der Jacke
Zurecht enttäuscht?