I feel like everything I enjoy has been ripped away
Just lost my job but with pay
When did you start loving your baby
Do you enjoy being pregnant?
Anyone else dealing with feeling low/almost depressed in pregnancy?
Pregnancy Depression
Being induced in 3 days...
FTM and worried about being ok - these feelings are wild
The loneliness is a lot
Am I biting off more than I can chew with only pumping?
7 weeks pregnant with depression. No meds, how did you cope?
Do you tell future parent the hard truth ?
Starting to resent my son...
If working out doesn't cause miscarriage, why should i "take it easy" during pregnancy?
18 weeks pregnant and it still sucks
I miss baby in my belly
39 weeks and done
19 & pregnant
These nightmares are no joke!
Some people are called to have 9 kids
Graduated 1/8 @ 5:32 PM CST
Now what… what do i do :3
not pregnant:(
Postpartum for me