How did you get into graphic design?
How much do you make?
Bought my first ever Korn cd at a market! I’m really happy :D (Bought it for 3.50 euros!)
How did you become a graphic designer?
how many of you creative designers know how to code? (and more questions ...)
Remaking banjo 3d model for new fangame
Did you have to sign for your iPad?
60 seconds to talk to Paul
Naruto and Friends (OC, Art by me)
If anyone has ideas of things I could design (for my portfolio) that would be great 😀
Epic are slowly increasing the prices of skins hoping you wouldn't notice
Banjo Kazooie (fan art by me)
saddest songs of all time
I just lost everything.
These 3 look awful and are way too expensive
iPad Mini 6 to 7
What do you actually use Canva for?
Just joined the gang
whats the best ipad to get for procreate?
Who is using Mini with Max (Plus) size iPhone?
how much storage do YOU need?
Whats you highest kill count?
Discounted iPad mini in the USA
Zero likes for this artwork I posted on instagram a little while ago
How do you carry your mini with the pencil?