What do you think you are the poster child of?
What’s a story you tell that nobody ever believes?
Which fictional character can you relate to the most and why?
What is the worst ADHD symptom(s) for you?
Which holiday is your least favorite and why?
What is your go to remedy for a hangover?
NYE Steak dinner
What was the best one hit wonder ever?
What is something you have always wanted to do, but haven’t gotten a chance to do it yet?
What are you looking forward to the most in 2025?
What is something you like, but have no idea why?
What movie did not need a sequel and why?
What’s a food you absolutely refuse to eat no matter what?
What normal thing can’t you do?
What character do you relate to the most and why?
Anyone putting up a Christmas tree?
What were the best songs to come out during the 90s?
Which fictional character would you like to be in a relationship with?
What was the hardest experience you ever had to go through?
What is your favorite kind of weather and why?
What is something that you will only try once and once only?
What has been your biggest sorry not sorry moment?
What is something you thought you would never ever do, however ended up doing anyway?
What subscriptions are worth getting rid of?
Which character always had the best one-liners?