Give me anime openings, I rate
Give me recommendations based on my top 7
Can u guys give me some music artists to listen to (just music, no lyrical artists)?
What can I gift my brother?
For those whose maths is good?(class 10)
Recommend me beautiful finished anime or movies
Study tips for Hindi?
What are you doing in these gap days?(math gap days)
Anime recommendations pls
Let's test Anime knowledge of each others.
What is yall's plans after boards? this is for 12th graders
Based on my evaluation on things I've watched, where should I start my "planned" list, what should I discard and what should I add? Note: anime and manga are interchangable for me, I usually do both
Here is my list so far started watching anime less then 2 years ago now, any recs?
Pick me a good isekai/fantasy anime to watch based on my history of anime that i watched.
Anime series with interesting characters that feel real?? (+found family?)
Am I the only one with Chill parents?
What is your favorite non mainstream anime?
What's a good starter anime for someone who is 40+?
Real shit i experience everytime
Need anime recommendations
What is the anime that made you fall in love with anime?
One sentence which someone told you and it still stucked in your mind.
Class 10th students after realizing they are studying hindi for the last time now.
Anime with 10/10 art style, animation, and story