Legendary Giveaway!!!
What are some fun things I could do?
Why can't I revive my dino on an oasisaur?
H: gsm, 2 lightweight, 150 super stims W: offers
Why does it auto upgrade when I look at builds
Just found these in my storage they goo or nah?
Need Weapon and trap drop
Is there any way to stop my game from crashing?
H: Unyielding ×5, rapid ×2, arms keepers ×2, lightweight ×2, perception W: offers
H: 10k caps W: scrip
H. Unyielding ×5, rapid ×2, arms keepers ×2, lightweight ×2, perception W: offers
H: v/40p/3str chainsaw W: offers
How much is this worth?
H: fiend and gsb W: offers
H: 50 leaders W: 25k caps
H: 600 super stims W: 15r mod
H: brahmin W: explosive mod and caps
H: fcjs, brahmin, fiend, q/50c/15r assaulttron head W: legendary mods, leaders, appeal
So I haven't been on in a bit what's new?
How much is fcj worth?
H: loon and hunters long coat W: offers
H: stuff I don't need W: offers
H: fcjs + 2 fiend W: rf set
H: v/40p/str chainsaw, b/25a/15r hf W: apparel or offers
[PS4] W Quad explosive handmade